Shapeshifters: Bodies Like Water
Shapeshifters: Bodies Like Water honors the deep connections between the body, land, and queer wisdom. The strength of these connections manifests as the courage to separate from predetermined ideals of gender, to surrender and embark on a sacred journey of self-realization. Shapeshifters is a celebration of this journey.
Why do we focus on gender as the playground for liberation? To play with gender is to play with power, to actively shift the violent dynamics of colonization, white supremacy, and other systems of oppression that rely on seemingly unchangeable gender norms.
The idea of this book arose during a nail painting lesson between two lifelong friends, Ira Baumgarten and Tom Toni Parker. Tom began exploring gender and dress in new ways and shared this version of himself with Ira.
These conversations about nail painting, dressing up but not leaving the house and preconceived ideas of masculinity led to Ira’s realization that Tom’s story — along with the stories of so many others today — needed to be heard.
It is the simple act of listening that can bridge wide channels between people. The book’s collaborative magic began when Ira called his mentee and friend, Jenny.
‘Shapeshifters’ is a profound affirmation of exploring the territory beyond the gender binary. These diverse voices share parts of their journey in a warm hearted way and invite us to explore the meaning of gender in our lives. They say ‘we are here, we are proud, and we affirm our true selves.’ The accompanying artwork to each person’s words provides a unique visual embodiment of their spirit. While some say there are two universal unchanging genders that everyone fits neatly into, this book eloquently explodes that myth.
Van Cleary-Hammarstedt, Ph.D. Non-Violence Studies
“The Shapeshifters – Bodies Like Water” is a mesmerizing and transformative collection, a true living gallery that celebrates the fluidity of queer liberation. Every image and story invite you to move beyond labels and immerse yourself in the natural flow of identity, breath, and creativity. Revisiting its pages feels like rediscovering a new layer of life each time—I find myself in awe of the depth and insight that emerges with every look. This book is a powerful ode to the expansiveness of human expression, and its beauty will linger with you long after you close its cover.
Amanda Gloria Valdes
Global Yoga/Mediation Educator
Doula Community Advocate
“Shape Shifters is more than a book – like the captivating cover image, it is a portal into a place where we once again feel our natural connection to the earth, water, fire, and air, to ourselves in our truest, most authentic nature. While many books and films about non-binary people are set in rather gritty urban and electrified concrete settings, and often focus primarily on over-sexualized aspects of their lives, Shape Shifters takes a gentler, more holistic approach and helps us perceive the whole person, the entire lifelong, and often multi-generational, journey each of character takes to rediscover, reveal and revel in themselves in this poetic exposition of self. This book is not just for the gender-fluid reader – it is for all of us looking for a more authentic connection to ourselves that is rooted in the natural elements of this beautiful earth we all call home.”
Amy Hart, Photographer/Filmmaker
Creative Director – Amy Hart Studios
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